6 Dental Tips for a Joyous Holi


Holi is a celebration of colors and also a reason to enjoy a lot of delicious sweets. While it is permissible to enjoy sweets occasionally, surpassing one’s limit is never a wise decision as it might cause tooth related issues. The festival of Holi involves the use of chemical-laden colors, water slashers, water cannons, and […]

7 Practical Ways To Improve Your Smile


Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you and creates that overall first impression. How can we improve our natural smile and what cosmetic dental procedures are available at the dentist? How do I get a perfect smile naturally? If you are happy with the size, shape, and alignment of your […]

The Dental Veneer Procedure (step by step)

Dental veneers (also called porcelain dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length. People who want to improve their smile veneers is the best option . Cosmetic dentistry is a emerging field, and […]

Is teeth whitening safe and permanent solution to enhance your smile?

teeth whitening

Brushing and flossing are work against teeth discoloration. However, if you feel like your smile lacks some sparkle or is more yellow than it usual, you are not alone. Most people when asked would they like to improve their smile the answer was they would love to have whiter teeth! Over the past two decades, […]

Teeth Whitening : Why You Should Talk to Your Dentist

teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can make teeth temporarily sensitive — or be uncomfortable for people who already have sensitive teeth. When used incorrectly, home kits can also lead to burned — even temporarily bleached — gums. Thats because of the peroxide in it that can cause some teeth to be sensitive to some patients . Tooth-whitening works best […]