
Tooth extraction: cost, procedure, risks, and recovery

Tooth extraction in lucknow

Preservation of tooth extraction is a significant purpose in dentistry. Natural teeth are exceptional, which is why dentists try their best level to save them. However, they sometimes have to be removed if they are decayed or damaged teeth to prevent the infection from further spread distribution. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, tooth extractions are no longer as painful as they used to be in past, best dentist in Lucknow.

tooth extraction

The course of action is usually performed by an oral surgeon or dentist, the best dental clinic in  Lucknow. Local anesthesia or a combination is used to perform the procedure carefully and safely. While removing visible teeth is a comparatively effortless procedure, extracting broken or impacted teeth can require a lot of endeavor and effort.

Tooth Extraction Cost

The amount that you will pay for your tooth extraction will depend on whether the tooth that is to be removed is impacted. Expect to pay between 2000 and 4000 (per tooth) for a simple extraction. The cost can increase depending on the type of anesthesia required.

Expect to pay 6000-8000(per tooth) to have an impacted tooth removed. In some cases, the area’s cost of livelihood can also impact the treatment cost best dental clinic in  Lucknow.


Dentists perform two types of extraction procedures – uncomplicated and surgical. If your tooth is visible, your surgeon will perform a simple uncomplicated procedure. Patients with impacted teeth have to undergo surgical removal.

Uncomplicated Simple Extraction

Your doctor will administer local anesthesia to numb the area around the concerned tooth. The professional oral surgeon will then use forceps and an instrument called an elevator to carefully release the tooth and remove it.

Surgical Tooth Extraction

Surgical tooth extraction patients frequently receive both local anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia. If you have a medical condition, your dentist will also administer general anesthesia if required. The surgeon will create a small incision in your gum tissue and may have to eliminate bone surrounding adjacent to your tooth or cut your tooth before extracting it.


Though there can be a small number of risks of surgical tooth extraction, the benefits far compensate them. It is natural for a blood clot to form in the socket where the tooth has been extracted. If this clot does not form, your dentist will apply a bandage to protect the exposed bone area. Some other risks of tooth extraction include:

  • Infection (indicated by severe chills and fever)
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Shortness of breath

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Follow these tips to fast-track your recovery from a tooth extraction:

  • A rest of at least 24 hours after the procedure is suggested
  • Take medications as prescribed by your dentist
  • Quit smoking/alcohol
  • Avoid rinsing for 24 hours after the procedure
  • Avoid the extraction site while brushing and flossing your teeth

Infinity Dental’s best dental clinic in Lucknow offers a full range of dental services. Whatever your age and medical history, the best dentist in Lucknow will modify your treatment plan to fit your requirements. We are on an assignment to help as many people as we can get their dental health back on track.

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Dr. Damini Agarwal

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