The Dental Veneer Procedure (step by step)

Dental veneers (also called porcelain dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonded to the front of the teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length. People who want to improve their smile veneers is the best option . Cosmetic dentistry is a emerging field, and […]



You know that Toothbrushing your teeth is important. But did you know that you might be making mistakes that can cause more harm than good? Toothbrushing mistakes can actually cause problems like gum recession, tooth sensitivity, and weakened tooth enamel.   Well, brushing might seem like an easy task to do but truth is, most of us brush […]


Dental / tooth decay is a common disease of our teeth. It is a progressive disease that affects hard tooth tissue of the tooth and is stimulated by the action of bacteria that accumulates and creates plaque. If in any case,it is not treated early, this decay can cause necrosis of the pulp and moreover, […]

Missing teeth? Top 4 reasons necessary to replace it

missing teeth

Are you missing teeth? You should know that your teeth affect your whole body. If your teeth are not healthy, you are not healthy. Keeping that in mind, we will mention the main 4 complications arising from a missing tooth. A missing tooth not only affects your bite but speech and eating choices. As […]

Straighten your smile with Braces


Braces are dental appliances that use pressure control to gradually shift and align your teeth. Teeth that are not aligned or crowded, teeth that have large gaps between them, and jawlines that don’t close over each other are often treated with braces. Braces allow for flexible treatment that adapts to the way your teeth are responding […]

Why Dr. Damini Agarwal is known as the best dentist in Lucknow?

dr. damini agarwal best dentist in lucknow

Read this blog to know Why Dr. Damini Agarwal is known as the best dentist Lucknow. Dr. Damini Agarwal is a leading dental healthcare provider in Lucknow. She graduated from the Govt. dental college of Pondicherry. Following graduation, she has worked at the prestigious King George’s Medical College, Lucknow. The shift from seeing patients from […]