It’s a whole new experience when you come to the best dental clinic in Lucknow . Soothing environments and state-of-the-art tech. Medically sanitized and sterilized just for you.
Before you have a seat in the patient chair, our associate doctor & staff will meet with you . We will first get to know you . Relationships matter most at infinity dental and they gather the best when we sit informally over a cup of chai . You are free to discuss your concerns and how we can help you achieve your dream infinity smile.
After an informal visit with our senior associate doctor , we’ll begin a thorough evaluation of your oral health along with Dr. Damini Agarwal and team . As our new member patient on board you will receive advanced digital X-rays, a professional oral health & cosmetic assessment and a comprehensive cleaning to get you started .
From appointment confirmation to paying for your treatment with a variety of payment options available , our staff is there to guide you in each and every step.
From appointment confirmation to making you feel at home and paying for your treatment with a variety of payment options available , our staff is there to guide you in each and every step.
Call today or complete the infinity appointment request form.
We will be the happiest to help you smile
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