

baby bottle tooth decay
baby bottle tooth decay

Even though milk teeth are temporary, your child’s baby teeth are important, and are still susceptible to cavities. Tooth decay in infants or toddlers is often referred to as Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, or Early Childhood Caries. Kids need strong, healthy teeth to chew their food, speak and have a good-looking smile. Their first teeth also helps to guide adult teeth to come in correctly. It’s important to start infants with good oral care to help protect their teeth for decades to come.

Causes of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay most often occurs in the upper front teeth, but other teeth may also be affected sometimes.

There are many reasons which can cause tooth decay in babies. One common cause is prolonged exposure of the baby’s teeth to drinks containing sugar. Tooth caries can occur when the baby is put to bed with a bottle, or when a bottle is used as a pacifier.

Tooth decay can begin with cavity-causing bacteria being passed from the mother (or primary caregiver) to the infant. These bacteria are passed through saliva. When the mother puts the baby’s feeding spoon in her mouth, or cleans a pacifier in her mouth, the bacteria can be passed to the baby.

If your infant or toddler does not receive an adequate amount of fluoride, they may also have higher risk for tooth decay. The good news is that tooth decay is preventable.

Symptoms of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby bottle tooth decay can affect any of your kids teeth but mostly occurs in the upper and lower front teeth.

Other common symptoms of tooth decay to look out for include:

white spots on front teeth
  • White spots on the surface of the teeth
  • Tooth cavities
  • Toothache
  • Swollen or bleeding gums
  • A fever caused by gum or tooth infection

Treating Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Your baby might be eligible for treatments if their dental problems are detected in the early stage. In this context, the early stage would be defined as the appearance of white spots on the surface of your Kids teeth. Listed below are some of the treatment options recommended by our expert pediatric dentist:

  1. Application of dental Fillings over the cavity.
  2. Dental Crowns over the damaged tooth.
  3. Using Space Maintainers to preserve the growth and alignment of permanent teeth.

However, as the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”.  Thus, we encourage you to be aware of the preventive measures that can be implemented to protect your Kids oral health for the long term.


Preventing Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

1.Massage and wipe your baby’s gums with a clean damp gauze or washcloth after each feeding.

2. When your child’s first tooth comes in, brush it gently with a kids toothbrush and water. Use just a “smear” of toothpaste for children younger than 3 years old and a pea-size amount for children 3 to 6.

3. Begin flossing daily as soon as two teeth touch each other.

4. Never put your baby to bed with a bottle containing anything but water. If your baby sleeps with a bottle, gradually wean him/ her off by removing it as soon as he/she falls asleep.

5. Place only formula milk, or breast milk in bottles.

6. Never give your child a pacifier dipped in anything sweet.

7. wean off your baby once your child is old enough to carry around a sippy cup try filling it with just water

8. Schedule your baby’s first visit to the dentist after the first tooth emerges and no later than the first birthday

Visit Us Now! if your child is showing indications of baby bottle teeth decay. Our pediatric dentists are dedicated to providing your kid with the best dental care available at the best dental clinic in Lucknow Infinity Dental.

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Dr. Damini Agarwal

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